More about Artificial Intelligence


Some experts think that 2100 will be the year when robotic intelligence will surpass human intelligence.
For instance the futurist, Ray Kurzweil predicted in his book, ’The singularity is near: when humans Transcend Biology’ that computers will become as smart as humans by 2029 .He also predicted that by 2045 computers will be billions of times more powerful than an unaided human intelligence.
It’s  no secret that the level of automation across sectors has increased highly in the past few decades.
In this context two streams of thoughts become significant , raising two different questions:
1 Will new technology will give rise to mass unemployment as robots take jobs away from humans?
2 Will robots create demands for new types of jobs for humans?
American economists, Jeffrey Sachs and Laurence Kotlikoff are two experts who feel that such concerns are not without relevance in the present day. They ask a significant question: What if machines are getting so smart that they no longer need unskilled  labour to operate?
They point out how smart machines are already doing jobs which are entirely human domains until recently –like collecting highway tolls, checking customers out at stores, taking blood pressure ,giving directions, answering phones , printing documents, flying planes ,teaching kids, etc. They also point out how this list is not at all exhaustive.

The term ‘robot’ although easily defined as ‘A machine capable of carrying out a complex series of actions automatically, especially one programmable by a computer ’ ,is becoming a rather vague and abstract term. It is difficult to categorize all smart technologies under the same umbrella.
Some schools in Korea  have already employed the technique of having the virtual presence of a teacher to help children learn English. The teacher is a huge egg-shaped robot with a display for the head on which the teacher’s face is visible. The teacher can communicate with the class via live streaming through the robot. The robot is a locomotive and is a cheaper way of getting teachers who are fluent in English to teach in distant places. This is rather unique and helpful method and in the future, this could be used to provide education in countries which are hard to reach. Quality education would no longer be limited by locations. Truly a big step towards a more connected , and globalized world.

Are you a fan of transformer series? Does the fact that your car is just a car bother you? Say no more, Hemji  soft japan has created the first ever, real transformer, which transforms from a robot to a car that can be driven. Applications of this concept are still to be tapped into but who cares about all that when you can have an Autobot parked in your garage! The future is going to be fun.     
It is predicted that in the next 5 years, robots will take over the majority of  the security and peace keeping positions. Robots are already seen guarding malls in Silicon Valley. Surveillance robots have been used by the police for a long time now, and there’s even more prototypes available at your disposal nowadays. This is a field government is investing heavily in to reduce the risk to human life.

Walking sticks and wheelchairs will be a thing of past. People with disabilities will have the option of choosing from a plethora of prosthetics which could be metallic or 3-D printed. The exoskeleton concept takes this one step further. These exoskeletons would not only help people with disabilities but could even enhance normal human capabilities. These  system can even help paralysed patients walk. However the major drawback of this major concept is that it isn’t available to everyone due to being highly expensive. Advances will need to be made in order to bring down the cost of production and make them accessible to everyone, especially those in need.

Scientists have now come up with tiny ingestible foldable pieces of equipment that can be swallowed by patients. On reaching the stomach, these robots dissolve and unfold themselves, to be controlled by magnetic waves by a technician and perform surgeries from the inside. Take about a tiny Trojan horse .
These micro-bots can be sent to various organs to perform required surgery and after the job is done, they are excreted by the body harmlessly.
Surgery is a protocol that is followed by a surgeon with an iron grip and nerves of steel. If done right , it could pretty much bring a person back from the brink of death. However it is a protocol and protocols can be followed to a T by a robot if programmed correctly. It all comes down to whether you would trust a lifeless machine to operate on your body. Turns out robotic arms are pretty precise in carrying out such surgeries. In the times to come, surgeries could probably be performed entirely by robots. As a matter of fact , these robots have great precision and can perform very fine incisions and have a great application.

Imagine a factory run entirely by robots and machines. You would no longer need  to worry about human error and only resources would factor in when calculating output efficiency. It is predicted that robots would take up more than 50% of human jobs by 2050.
Smart cars are already a thing. There is a complex algorithm which measures the risks involved while driving a vehicle and drives it accordingly. Tesla is a flag ship company for this technology. Robots could even replace the jobs of commercial pilots and we would never have to worry about our flights getting delayed. It is a kind of scary in a way , to imagine a world where jobs as important as running trains and flying planes are done by robots .
As we saw with the TeacherBot before, teaching with the help of robots not only makes the education cheaper , it also makes it more accessible. Teacher Bots would be a good alternative to the traditional teaching method.  It involves interaction with the class and it just might be the direction that school of tomorrow are headed to  .

This might be one of the most hard hitting after effects of the great robot age. The great Mark Twain once said ,”I don’t know what the third world war would be fought with , but the fourth world war would be fought with stones and sticks .” As warfare becomes more advanced ,  it is impossible for the countries not to want to harness robots. After all, you’d rather send a lifeless machine to war than an actual living being. There have already been a lot of prototypes of battle bots. Government  spend a tonne of money on developing technology to make killer machines which will rain terror on the opponents. This is not an outcome any true lover of robotics would want, for robots to become lifeless killing machines. But history is proof that war is inevitable.
Robots are already replacing humans in pharmacies in the UK. Robots are used to conduct and take readings for laboratory experiments. A busy pharmacy can be run by a single robot, which can give customers the right medication via a conveyer belt based on their prescriptions. Robots are also great for taking precise measurements and calculating errors. For these reasons, they make for amazing lab assistants. Add a nice Siri-like A.I. to the robot and BOOM! You’ve got your own pharmacist Jarvis.

We have already seen examples of robots that can reach nooks and crannies us human cannot. Robots may perhaps find their most important application in the field of explosion, especially space exploration. Robots have a huge advantage over us in that they don’t have any biomedical requirements. They can survive their most deadliest of environments as long as their circuits don’t fry and the heat and weather conditions do not damage their exterior. The explorer probes sent to planets like mars and Jupiter are perfect examples of how robots are of great use to mankind. The first thing to set foot on the mars was not a human but a robot designed by us. Robots are, in a way, an extension of humanity itself. The bond between robotics and humanity will yet take us to places we have never been to before.

The use of robots comes with a few alarming questions as well. How much can you depend on something to get the job done? How long till robots start writing songs and directing plays? The world is on its toes since the nuclear bomb came around. We always seem to make newer more punishing weapons of mass destruction. So we can’t overlook the human aspect of things when it comes to robotics. We have to teach the more complex ones all the good things that make us human (and may be prevent the judgement day while we are at it).           

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